HTMLGen Homepage

HTMLGen Overview:
HTMLGen was developed to automate the process of creating HTML for an online photo album. It will scan a directory for photos, let the user give a description for the picture (along with accepting or rejecting the picture), and then generate the HTML file to point to the pictures. The user can select to create thumbnail links, text links, or just put all of the pictures on one single page.

This page was created with HTMLGen. I created this page with only the pictures at the bottom from the HTML code that HTMLGen provided me. I then came back and editted the file to add the other stuff to it.

Required downloads: All downloads are free software and none have time limits.

  1. HTMLGen Software V1.0: This is the software written by me to control the HTML generation process.
  2. Java 2 V1.3 Runtime Environment: This download is approximatly 5.3 MB (Windows version).
  3. Image Magick: Set of command line tools executed by HTMLGen to create thumb nail images. 17.2 MB download for Windows.

What the program looks like:

Choose files to include and provide a title for the webpage.

Choose directory to scan for pictures

Choose where to save the HTML file at.

See a preview of picture and provide description

Choose the format of the HTML

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