Callaway Gardens

Michael Wales

Took a nice vacation to Callaway Gardens. We really did a ton of stuff and had a great time. We went to their giant lake and waded in the water. We saw an acrobatic circus from Florida State University. We did some geocaching for the first time and and had a lot of fun doing that, doing some in Florida now too. One evening Lorelei and Regina went off to do the tree top trek, but Regina wasn't able to stop herself on the ziplines. Lorelei got cut short due to lightning, so Lorelei and I did it the next day together. Really fun, but really challenging. Not everyone was able to complete it. Lorelei naturally had no problem and breezed through everything. Some of it was extra hard for her because she isn't tall enough to reach some of the wires that I was able to grab.

--- Article last updated: October 30, 2012 ---