Home Construction: Set #1

Michael Wales

Our Lot Before Any Construction:

We were out looking to see what trees would need to be taken out, and which were going to be able to stay. But we were out on the lot looking around and I brought the camera.

Half of the Pad:

We went out to check on things after they had put up about half of the fill needed for the house. Our neighbor told us he counted about 64 loads of fill that were put in. They took the first 64 loads, graded them out, and compacted them down. And then they brang in a bunch more fill and put it on top of what was already there.

Pad Complete:

These are pictures of the pad for house once it was completed. It took 100 loads of fill to get this high. Dirt is pretty cheap, but 100 truckloads of it sure adds up!

Formboards Up:

Decided to take my grandparents out to the construction site so they could see where the house was going to be. I had originally taken some pictures a few days earlier, but then the Rolex came along, so I deleted all the pictures out of my camera for the race.

There are too PVC pipes (1 by the master bath, and 1 by the garage) where all the Pest Defence tubes stick out of. The footers have 2 long pieces of steel rebar in them to give them their strength. It just got approved on it's inspection, and should get poured sometime this week (Feb 5, 2002).

--- Article last updated: February 1, 2002 ---